Transformational coaching to help you
Step into the creative, prosperous life you truly desire
Are you ready for a more joy-filled life and business?

As seen in

Work with me
Break through what’s holding you back
It’s 100% possible to be deeply fulfilled in your career, relationships, finances, and body. Changing your life begins and ends with one very important thing: YOU! Your first step is commitment, a YES to your dreams…

What clients are saying
See what’s possible
“I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Michelle and to have had her support in transforming me through some quite intensely emotional times. I’ve created a successful business and now make a monthly income I would not have dreamed of before this. And I’ve been able to share in community and relationship in empowering ways.”

Joanne Hsieh
Owner, One World Acupuncture

About Michelle
Your Personal Transformation Partner
My job is to help you uncover your deepest wisdom and potential, so you live each day with meaning, gratitude, and joy. You’re hard-wired to experience a beautiful life!
For four decades, I’ve studied human potential and creative expression as an award-winning dancer, teacher, energy medicine practitioner, coach, and artist. This is the toolbox I draw from to help you take a metaphorical microscope to your life. Why? So you can learn how to create the beautitul life you desire.
Want more inspiration?
2 Tools to help you decide what to invest in
We can get so far on our own until we reach a point where we need help. Think of it like a “lever.” I could pick up snow with my hands when it’s...
Welcome your NOs
When you can welcome more NOs in your life, it means you’re more in your YES. Lemme explain! I’m intense. I haven’t always liked it or even...
Are you afraid of money?
We weren’t working on “money” directly in the last ONEdance session, but some energy work came up around a “fear of abundance, with money.” Our...
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