Welcome your NOs

Welcome your NOs

When you can welcome more NOs in your life, it means you’re more in your YES.  Lemme explain! I’m intense. I haven’t always liked it or even realized it, because it’s just who I am. (Nerd time: I have Gate 30 in a big place in my Human Design chart, and it’s all about...

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Are you afraid of money?

Are you afraid of money?

We weren’t working on “money” directly in the last ONEdance session, but some energy work came up around a “fear of abundance, with money.” Our family and cultural “conditioning” may be rife with money fears.  Conditioning is everything we’ve been taught to believe...

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Why happiness is not the goal

Why happiness is not the goal

A few weeks ago, I spent a full day in deep ceremonial prayer on sacred land in Montana. It was one of the most intense experiences I’ve had, where it felt like all the decades I’ve spent in performance, surrendering and being available for the fullest expression of...

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She left me speechless

She left me speechless

I checked out of my Maui hotel and was spending time with one of my amazing spiritual teachers in the hours before boarding my red eye flight back home. I had so many questions I wanted to ask Pali. But the problem was that I couldn’t even say them in her presence....

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My self-worth breakdown 🥺

My self-worth breakdown 🥺

My friend was showing me her home remodel a few weeks ago… building a new master suite with a huge tub and closet. Swoon! (Her daughter was also doing the same thing in her home.) As I stood looking through all of the bare wall frames imagining her new space, I had an...

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A solution for chaos

A solution for chaos

When you haven’t fully made a decision, chaos shows up. When you’re 110% in, chaos stops. Being DECISIVE is crucial. It cuts through the madness we make in our own minds. But the problem is that so many people don’t know how to make decisions. I struggled with it for...

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Your greatest power

Your greatest power

If you don’t know how to choose… or that at every moment, you can choose, you’ve lost your power. We lose our power when we abandon ourselves… or when we try to control something or someone that’s not ours to control. This often comes from a true desire to connect. We...

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When you know, you know…

When you know, you know…

I spontaneously made the dance video below knowing full well what my next step was in a difficult decision.  A decision related to my commitment to growth, expansion, and living in my Truth. It wasn’t easy, but I knew what was true in my body and that my only choice...

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