Asking For What You Want

by | Sep 27, 2018

If you need some support in asking for what you want, then you must watch this video!

I talk about my own process of admitting that I wanted something and going public with it.

This is where transformation begins!

And of course, admitting isn’t enough. There’s also the follow-through.

But taking that first step can be huge. It can catalyze the follow-through that has been waiting to happen!

Once you do follow-through, you may be faced with more obstacles (…life is always gifting us lessons!)  so I speak a little bit about that too.

It’s really about showing up for yourself, deeply and authentically.

And when you do that, the world shows up for you.

So what’s the first step you can take right now to be in dialogue with the universe about what you want. It might be saying it out loud, writing it down on a piece of paper and posting it on your wall, or telling your friends (who will hold you accountable)! Post a comment, send a message, and enjoy the ride!

And if you want some support accessing the power and magic of Self-Love, sign up now for my 4-Week Online Course that starts on October 10.

As always, big love!

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