Let Your Life Change: Inspired Words About Letting Go

by | Jan 26, 2019

Nothing changes this year if you keep making the same decisions you made last year.

I’m reminding myself of this mantra as I move through 2019, with some goals of what I’d like to see happen this year.

Today’s course Let It Go, Let It Flow is essentially about letting your life change.

I made a short video HERE talking about how letting go is really just releasing the grip of resistance.

You may have to wade through some anger, fear, or sadness, but I assure you that your greatest gifts are right on the other side.

There is gold on the other side of resistance!

So…what are you ready to let go of?


What would you like to invite into your life?

We’ll move (literally) through this flow in our session later today.

If any of this piques your interest or resonates at all, dive in and join us.

This is the only single online group healing session I’ll be offering for the first half of this year.

And please feel free to send this email to a friend if you feel they’d connect to this work.

Join me on January 27th, live or via the session video recording, for “Let It Go, Let It Flow 2019.”

Have a sweet day.

Big love,
Michelle ❤️

And P.S.  I’ll be doing a preparatory mini-session on the MBodyRadiance Facebook Group in the morning so please feel free to take a look and tap it out!

From one of last year’s participants in “Let It Go, Let It Flow”

Ok, THAT was F’n awesome! I honestly can’t believe how many things you touched on that I’ve been dealing with…I also made a pretty major connection with myself and issues I’ve had relating to my dad. Wow, just awesome. I’m interested to see if how this resonates with me over time. Thank you Michelle! ❤️❤️
– Meg Burns Lietz, Illinois

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