What To Do With Envy and Competition

by | Nov 13, 2018

I am not immune to feelings of envy and competitiveness.

Oh my goodness…when those two things creep in, it’s like a ticket to misery.

The script usually says in disbelief “How did she do that?”

And then it usually goes on to various incriminations of self-doubt and thoughts of not being good enough or not deserving something.

It never feels good. It always feels small. It keeps me stuck and unable to expand.

So a while back I had to admit that this was actually happening. Who me? Never.

Each time those feelings popped up, I had to get curious about why that was happening.

I would ask myself if there was something I wasn’t happy about in my own life.

Was there something in myself that was wanting attention and not getting it?

Or was I trying to force myself to be something I’m really not?

Being me-centric or self-wallowing was not the answer. This process actually made do less navel gazing and instead, put my ego aside and get out there and embrace life more objectively.

Or I’d remember to give myself time to quietly recenter and do something simple, like take a bath (one of my favorite treats).

I learned to see things as they are and acknowledge how I was participating in the creation of my current reality, even if just through my mindset.

Was I participating in a mentality of scarcity or abundance?

I had to get my limitations out of the way, and let life (the universe, spirit) and abundance flow through me.

Before long, I was genuinely saying “that’s amazing” to celebrate someone else’s successes and happiness.

It wasn’t all about me and I could appreciate life and beauty moving through anyone.

So there are a couple ingredients here…because as I said earlier, I’m still not immune. In other words, I’m human!

  • I stop making myself the center of the universe.
  • I see someone else for the unique gifts that they bring to the world.
  • I more clearly accept who and where I am.
  • I live by my own rules for happiness, not an Instagram, magazine glossed-version of it.
  • I acknowledge that I have a purpose and path that is unique to me and won’t look like anyone else’s.
  • I honor the beauty of my current situation (Like they say, you don’t get a fancy new car when you treat your current one like a piece of garbage.)

I learned and am still learning that I can only be who I am, and after 4 weeks of leading a group of beautiful souls in a Mastery Course on Self-Love, I can say that my love for who I am is currently feeling better than ever.

And every time I get excited about someone else, I participate in abundance.

* I subscribe to the idea that every single person has a chance to experience happiness.

* I say “NO” to keeping other people and myself small.

* I acknowledge that happiness looks different for everyone (undoing cultural programming).

I reject 300+ year old scientific models of competition and survival of the fittest. (Let’s go quantum!)

* I celebrate diversity.

* I align with the truth of my own life and I participate.

When it really boils down to it, when you thrive, everyone thrives.

What if we believed that our natural state is abundance? (I mean look the 100 trillions of microbes and bugs you have all over your body!)

Surround yourself with people who can genuinely celebrate other people’s successes and happiness.

That energy will invite you to participate in life and receive the gifts that are coming your way.

At the end of this month, I will be taking a particular look at how we can do this with our feminine energy. More details below.

Try out some of the “I” statements above. Let me know how it goes, and leave a comment or question on the blog.

And please feel free to share this with anyone whom you think it might help.

Sending love and abundance,



Empower Your Feminine

Wednesday, November 28th 7:00-9:00pm EST

An online 2-hour Workshop and Healing Session on utilizing your Feminine Energy

Sign Up + More Info HERE

Join this workshop to gain more understanding about how the feminine operates and how to nurture her.

Michelle will share insights,  practical tools, and movement, and do a group healing session to support all participants in tuning into the Power of the Feminine!

Whether for yourself, your girlfriend, wife, partner, or daughter, this workshop will help you find a better understanding of how to embrace and support the divine feminine.

This is also a precursor to a multi-week course that will be happening in 2019. Join now to get a taste of what’s to come and a solid jumpstart for your feminine!

I am super passionate about this topic and can’t wait to share what I’ve been discovering.

Join today and invite a friend.
The more feminine energy we get in there, the better!

All are welcome, no matter how you identify.

Here is more
Work with me


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