by Michelle Boulé | May 9, 2019 | BodyTalk, Healing, Wellness
As many of you know, I am selling my Brooklyn, NY apartment and leaving NYC. ?? (If you know anyone who is interested in a beautiful home, please let me know!) This is a HUGE change for me, as I’ve lived in Brooklyn for over 15 years, and in New York City for nearly...
by Michelle Boulé | Apr 1, 2019 | BodyTalk, Healing, Wellness
“You need not push life about.” ― Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj This is one of my favorite responses to the question “is it time to work or rest?” (Full quote with short session is below!) Yet we, especially westernized Americans, are brought up...
by Michelle Boulé | Jan 26, 2019 | BodyTalk, Wellness
Nothing changes this year if you keep making the same decisions you made last year. I’m reminding myself of this mantra as I move through 2019, with some goals of what I’d like to see happen this year. Today’s course Let It Go, Let It Flow is...
by Michelle Boulé | Jan 23, 2019 | BodyTalk, Wellness
My recent trips to Bali and the Philippines taught me even deeper levels of let go and let flow. For one thing, when I left for my 5-week trip on December 9th, all I had planned were 3 flights (to Bali, the Philippines, and back to NY) and my yoga training, which...
by Michelle Boule | Nov 13, 2018 | BodyTalk, Wellness
I am not immune to feelings of envy and competitiveness. Oh my goodness…when those two things creep in, it’s like a ticket to misery. The script usually says in disbelief “How did she do that?” And then it usually goes on to various incriminations of self-doubt...
by Michelle Boule | Oct 1, 2018 | BodyTalk, Distant Healing, Wellness
Distant healing…how does it work? As I travel more and more these days (and as some of you do the same!), I’ve been doing an increasing number of distant sessions. Earlier this year, I gave a session to a client while she was anxiously rushing to see me in a...