3 tips to have better boundaries in your business

by | Dec 17, 2021

The holidays are upon us, and it’s a great time to practice…



This will not only help your holiday happiness, but also…

-boost your self-worth and confidence
-give you more energy (bye bye burnout!)
-create more intimacy in your relationships
-improve your kids’ self-confidence (or your team)
-make more money in your business… cha-ching!

As the saying goes, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.

Better boundaries will touch every aspect of your life, so here are three ways to help you become the boundary queen (or king):

1 – No is a complete sentence.

I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve spoken to this year who feel that they have to explain why they don’t want to do something.

They might have spent hours tooling over whether or not they should do something, worrying and weighing options in their own minds, when the truth is… they don’t want to do it.

(The same is true for wanting to do something.)

Your desires don’t need an explanation. In fact, explaining them away might be your mind complicating something that’s really. quite. simple.

When you hold your integrity about your desires, you build your self-trust and confidence that isn’t sticky, and that gives a clear signal to the Universe, your family, team members, friends, kids, etc.

The Universe responds back with clarity, and the people who love you will thank you for your clarity.

2 – Your NO leaves room for your really big YES!

When you clean things up in your relationships (in life and work) by getting clear about what you do and don’t want, you free up an incredible amount of energy for new potential.

Energy is real, and clean boundaries pave the way for your deep desires to come in because you have no unfinished business attached to the things that are no longer serving you.

It’s like trying to pull a new car into a garage that’s packed with stuff (usually that you don’t need or want, are afraid to let go of, haven’t fully made a decision on).

If you don’t drive, think about your closet. When you don’t let go of the things you don’t love, you’re not fully trusting that what you want is out there, which also means on some level you haven’t decided to really go for what you do want.

Fear and scarcity are not part of your growth and transformation.

3 – Simplify life with your… calendar.

Learning how to pre-frame your days with clear intentions through one of my favorite practices of 2021, a well-planned calendar ???, sets you up with a clear map for your day and ultimately your life.

I never thought I’d love my calendar, and I use this practice… well, everyday of course, to give me more freedom.

The clear boundaries you create in your calendar help you make easy decisions about your Yes’s and No’s.

No messiness. No stickiness. No drama.

Yes to ease, clarity, love, and a major boost in your self-confidence when your calendar becomes your new best friend!

So…which of these tips are you going to try this holiday season?

What’s one practical step you can take today to create clear boundaries for your beautiful self and the people you love?

Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Holidays!

In service and with love,

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business and joy…

1 – Download my FREE audio practice “Realign Towards Your Dreams.” You’ll have a self-alignment tool to jump start your day and create what you desire through your mind, body, and spirit

2 – Join my Private Facebook Transformation Group! We’re reviving this private group as a place for you to ask questions, connect with community, and stay aligned and inspired. Not on Facebook? Follow me on Instagram.

3 – Join the Meditate-Move-Heal community to start learning and using foundational principles of success. If you need a study guide (moi) and beautiful group of people to study with during your journeys, sign up today!

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