Here’s how to tell if you’re struggling with people-pleasing…
You have a hard time saying no.
You have a hard time making decisions.
You feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself.
You’re always tending to everyone else’s needs first.
If you’re doing any of the above, you’re likely also frustrated, annoyed, and stuck maybe judging yourself for all of the above.
The big problem with people pleasing is that:
1 – Sometimes you’ve been doing it for so long that you can’t recognize it.
2 – It’s nearly impossible to reach the goals and lifestyle you want if you don’t fully resolve this issue.
Also, remember that the goals and lifestyle you truly desire are intrinsically designed to be for the highest good of all.
The good news is that your people-pleasing issue is 100% resolvable.
I’ve had to work on this one myself and have helped many clients who through changing this, improve their own lives and business, and the lives of their families, clients, and students.
So let’s turn this around quickly with three tips…
1 – Remember that people-pleasing is not what keeps you safe. It did at one point (when you were a child), but if you’re an adult and still suffer from this, it’s now your job to see that your safety does not come from pleasing others. In fact, it can ruin your chances of reaching your big dreams and goals.
2 – Go back to the fundamental question of… what do YOU want? When you start to really get honest about this and manifest it in your life, you serve yourself and everyone else around you at the highest level.
TRUTH: Compulsive people pleasing is actually a manipulation of yourself, which is in turn a manipulation of everyone else. Eventually it turns into a disaster. This can look like a loss of your own inner compass and intuition, which makes it very difficult to make decisions and show up in your full power, creativity, and aligned generosity.
3 – Do things for YOU! Give yourself the time you want, spend money on yourself, invest in your growth, and create an incredible support team. Let yourself see that it’s safe to be and invest in YOU.
Turning this pattern around takes work, no doubt, and it’s often necessary to bring someone else in as a guide because it’s very difficult to see if it’s something you’ve been doing your whole life.
Finally, here’s why it’s so crucial to change this if you’re trying to create a beautiful life and business.
Your integrity and power is in being truthful with yourself. Things built with a lack of integrity eventually collapse. Things built from integrity grow and expand into ways you’ve always dreamed (but may not always have believed) were possible.
You are limitless!
With love,
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you transform YOUR life and business:
1 – Are you a creative leader, entrepreneur and professional who’s ready for a transformation of the soul? Join “Express Your Full Potential Now”, where you’ll learn to let go of what isn’t serving you and activate your full potential immediately. Did I mention it’s FREE? Sign up HERE.
2 – Download my free audio practice “The Aligned Life Formula for Creative Entrepreneurs.” You’ll have a self-alignment tool to jump start your day and create exactly what you desire in your life and business. Download it here.
3 – Join my Creative Success Accelerator Program TODAY. You’ll learn and embody success tools for your life and business, join me for 4 Live monthly meetings, and get special access to my Video Library filled with hours of Q&As, teachings, meditations, and movement sessions to support your process. Click here to sign up!
4 – Work with me PRIVATELY to make a quantum leap in your joy and income, without sacrificing the quality of your life or working endless hours to make it all happen. Send us an email with “PRIVATE” in the subject line, and tell me a little about your life and business goals. Then I’ll get you all the details, deal?