Are you doing what you’re here to do?

by | Apr 6, 2024

I was speaking with someone recently about the blocks they have to a full YES on these questions:

Are you doing what you’re here to do (usually something you love)?

Are you being who you’re here to be?

Are you living the lifestyle you’re here to live (relationships, home, income, time, etc.)?

The heaviness of having a No to any these questions can be so painful,

And… we can get good cruising along, ignoring that weight.

But often, this is when conflict or dis-ease show up.

 We burnout when we don’t rest or know how to say NO

Or our careers and relationships suffer because we’re afraid of having honest conversations, with ourselves or others.

The gift is that…

Our higher intelligence always takes us to places where we have the potential to change.

Often, these places are uncomfortable, 

And… you’re 100% designed to face these moments and come out satisfied and successful.

It’s possible to walk through the portals that allow you to have a yes to all those questions I started with.

Many of us are also designed to do better with help from someone else.

We go faster with the love and right guidance from others.

Do you have who you want in your circle of guides and healers?

Is it time to make a new commitment (with support)?

If you want to dive in with my help, the next Brilliant Creatives Community Session is this Wednesday, April 10th.

(Plus, we’ll be doing a Pop-Up Q&A for extra coaching and support on May 1st and a Workspace Session on April 25th. It’s a good time to join!)

Portals abound.
Transformation awaits.
Loving community and my fierce guidance are a given.

See you Wednesday? Start here.


P.S. What are you waiting for? I’ve been running a monthly program for over 4 years now! 🥳 And online programs since 2017. We love big, we go deep, we take off our masks, and encourage your fullest expression, prosperity, and alignment…


What clients are saying…

“Working with Michelle has been life-changing and transformative. It helped me get the fire of my work burning and will fuel me for the rest of my life. I took leaps of faith that led to many big shifts for my dance and coaching careers — becoming a choreographer (a dream I had for years but was afraid to pursue), having my work presented in NYC, and starting my own coaching company. I’ve made business decisions with more confidence, I’m supporting my clients in ways that I never thought were possible, and I’m earning more income than ever before. If you’re truly desiring big changes, work with Michelle! It’s absolutely worth the investment.”
Nicole Mannarino, Fitness and Mindset Coach / Choreographer 

“Michelle fundamentally changed my attitude, my thinking, and my beliefs around pursuing my dreams and creating abundance. With her help, I finished a project I’d been working on for years, and I left my day job for a better one, a job that literally paid three times what I was making before. While I understand the worry about spending the money, the investment made me focus and prioritize myself much more than I would have otherwise. The cost more than paid for itself, and I honestly don’t think I would have made the changes without her.” –Patrick B., Missoula, MT 

“Working with Michelle has changed my life – I have shifted some long-held beliefs about myself in big ways. This has extended to all the relationships in my life – helping me to speak my truth without fear of outcome. I am actually DOING the work I want to be doing. I have more private students than I had a few months ago, which only shows that I wasn’t putting in the work before. I was blocking my own expression in some subconscious way. I feel more resourceful. I am so thankful for Michelle in my life!”
Kate Martel, Dance Artist and Alexander Teacher

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