Are you ready for a love-based economy?

by | Dec 16, 2022

You may know by now that many of my clients come to me to…

  1. have more clarity and time to focus on their brilliant work, and
  2. create a life that their spirit is longing for.

It’s not always money that’s guiding their commitment to growth.

It’s the deep desire to live into their fullest potential, and the realization that one must be abundantly resourced… spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Physically means you have the freedom to…

  1. hire people (the right people),
  2. take the vacation that you want (and only work if you want to),
  3. launch your creative vision to its next level (because you know it’s bigger),
  4. give generously (because deep down you know that there’s always more), and
  5. not worry about where the money is coming from (which is not your job anyway).

When you live in this way (not just know it mentally), it’s a reflection that you have tapped into something deep within yourself that allows you to create money in the way that you want, in alignment with great love.

My new program ✨The Prosperous Creative✨ is the result of my own journey of creating quantum leaps in my income and coaching others to do the same, using my unique methodology that combines decades of experience in professional dance, embodiment practices, mindset, and energy healing, to create lasting and profound transformation.

We need new information to create a new reality, but I don’t want you to stop there because that’s where most people stop. They learn the information, but they don’t apply it continuously. This program will give you the container to be supported as you take action.

New Information → New Actions → Support and Guidance → Powerful Momentum

You’ll learn to live in a different way, think and see the world in a different way, and take action that creates a different reality. In doing so, you discover your Truth.

This is the work of a new heart-based economy… a new way of relating to prosperity and abundance through soul-touching work.

The Prosperous Creative✨ will give you tools that will expand into every facet of your life, and you’ll be in an environment and community where you can test these tools.

Experience has shown me that the undercurrent of this work is unlimited Love. When you turn that light on for yourself, you brighten the world in a way that is healing and so needed right now.

This is ✨The Prosperous Creative✨, an introduction to a new paradigm for yourself, and the world… for you to feel fulfilled, abundant, and free so you can live and create from your beautiful open heart with love.

Would you like to join me in January?

In love,

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