Free Online Workshop Tuesday!

by | Mar 16, 2020

I’m keeping this short and sweet just to let you know that I’m doing a free online workshop tomorrow to support you during this time.

Tuesday, 5pm PST

If you can’t join live and still want to participate, please register and the recording will be in your inbox a few hours after the session.

We’ll meet for about an hour to do exactly what the title says: Meditate, Move, & Heal in order to:

  • calm your nervous system
  • boost your immunity
  • balance your emotions
  • find a solution to a pressing situation
  • connect with others!

Please share this with a loved one, colleague, or friend, by sending them here or using this email link to send them a message.

I really look forward to connecting with you.

BIG love,

P.S. If you’re not following me on social media yet, I’ve been sharing dance videos and insights on Facebook and Instagram.?

The live session may be over, but Meditate-Move-Heal continues with a monthly program! Sign up now and get ready to receive tools and a practice to keep your mind, body, and spirit functioning at optimum health!

What clients are saying: 

Michelle Boulé is a game changer—knowledgeable, professional, astutely observant. Her years of artistic practice inform her work as much as does her wide open heart, and create space for incredible shifts in perception and health. I’m so glad we crossed paths when we did!

Tori Amoscato – Owner, Lark Acupuncture + Wellness – Los Angeles, CA

Check out more testimonials here.

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