Here’s the one thing that’s stopping your success

by | Dec 12, 2020

If you were at my Ask For Excellence webinar last month, you got to see belief systems people associate with “success.”

Here’s what people typed into the chat:

-Successful people are disconnected from real values.
-They work a lot! No free time!
-They end up sacrificing morals.
-They had to exploit others to get successful.
-They’re selfish.
-My success will make others feel bad about themselves or jealous.
-Why should I deserve to be successful when others can’t?
-My family will suffer if I go for my success.

Mama mia! Can you relate?


Can you also see how those thoughts won’t lead you
to an ounce of success? Career, relationship,
monetary, and even… yup, sexual.


Here’s how to turn this around.

Your success is a spiritual process.

You’ll be asked to grow and overcome anything that’s holding you back and keeping you small.

You’ll be asked to face the truth of your desires and the truth of what you believe.

You’ll get to know yourself so deeply. This honors your unique divinity — exactly what you’re here to do and who you’re here to be in this lifetime.

You’ll start to contribute and love in ways you haven’t yet experienced.

The byproduct of all of this is “success.”

That’s the Law. Because when you’re operating from your truth, the Universe supports you.

You know the saying… The truth is what sets you free.


The journey to your truth… to your success… is the most devotional and spiritual journey you can take.


Drop those other belief systems, and get ready for a whole new ride.

In service and love,

P.S. Do you want my support for your transformational journey? Let’s Talk.

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