On Thursday, I wrote to you about how “caring about what other people think” is a major stopping point for people as they attempt to change their lives.
The other major stopping point is:
I could write a whole book on this and many people have, but I want to address it here briefly because I’ve heard people say recently:
I’d do it, but I don’t have the money.
I’m financially stretched right now.
Or some people are saying (often internally):
I’d feel so ashamed to spend that money.
The last one triggers the stopping point of caring what other people think.
I want you to know something incredibly important… These mentalities will only lead you to more scarcity.
So how do you turn this around?
You can’t resolve or attract a solution to a problem from the same vibration or place that created it.
If you’re in a scarcity mindset trying to solve a scarcity problem, you will only create the “same old thing.”
To generate a new solution, you must change your mindset and shift to a higher vibration in your physical body.
You must consistently find ways to build your awareness, let go of old patterning (the old you), and commit to creating a new self.
This looks like meditation, study and application, mindset restructuring, new behaviors, spending time with people who are living the way you want, or committing 100% to a program, a coach, or a support group.
Because… (you may already know one of my favorite sayings), “Nothing changes if you keep making the same decisions.”
If you want change, make a different choice today.
THE Self-Love Course starts this Wednesday. It won’t be back until 2021 at the earliest, and this is the last year that it will take this specific format of working LIVE with me the entire time.
What changes do you want to make in your life? Here’s what Tom changed when THE Self-Love Course was last offered in 2018:
“This course asked me to show up for myself in a substantial way: with time, energy, care, and money. It asked me to invest in myself on many levels. That was new for me and it was totally worth it. How much money, time, and energy do we give into causes that are not ourselves? The work from this course started a chain of shifts whose worth are well beyond the price of this course.
Some changes were immediate but the bigger ones took a couple months. However, I could trace them back to this class. Some notable big ones were getting out of a job that was sucking the life out of me and also letting go of a career that I deeply loved but was no longer serving me (or allowing me to serve greatly). Since then I got a new job, got promoted three times, and feel so wealthy inside myself about the work I do that I’m starting my own business. Also, I noticed a shift in my love life. I’ve stopped looking to others for my source of love. I find great love in myself and I really only allow lovers into my life if they add to that flame of love.” – Tom Lloyd
I want to make sure you don’t miss out on THE Self-Love Course if you’ve been considering joining.
If you have questions, I’m more than happy to answer them. We can be in touch here.