Did you see the announcement for my free webinar this Thursday “Ask for Excellence”?
If you haven’t signed up yet ——–> Sign up Now!
Here’s a preview of what you’ll get in the webinar – a lesson on TRUST!
An easy way to get to the truth in decision-making is to notice what’s behind your decision.
Is your decision coming from fear or trust?
I’ve seen clients go into endless loops about making a decision. Behind that there’s usually a deep fear that they might:
-do it wrong
-be “wrong”
-lose someone’s approval or love
-repeat a past mistake
Decisions move your life forward. (Remember this from my message a few weeks ago?)
The endless mind looping is often a “reinforcement that you can’t trust yourself.”
You might think you’re trying to “make the right decision.” (That’s what your subconscious mind and old paradigms want you to think.)
But the stalling and looping usually happens because you’re saying some version of this to yourself over and over again:
“You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re not loved. You’re not worth it.”
Every time you stall and don’t make a decision, you’re reinforcing those beliefs of not being lovable, good enough, and worthy.
Every time you consciously decide to do something in life (aka TAKE ACTION TOWARDS YOUR DREAMS AND DESIRES), you’re putting the brakes on that old story of not being worthy, lovable, good enough.
You’re choosing instead to say: “I know what I’m doing, I’m loved no matter what, I’m worth it no matter what.”
YOU decide to trust yourself, and to know you can handle whatever comes up.
But you won’t get the opportunity to know that until you… make your next decision.
If you have questions about this, make sure you sign up for “Ask for Excellence” and attend Live for the Q&A.
——–> Sign up HERE!
If you can’t attend live, we’ll send a recording the next day that you can watch for one week, but you gotta sign up!
In service and love,
P.S. If you want to supercharge your next moves in life, book a call to discuss 1:1 work.
Here’s a reflection from a client who committed to long-term private coaching:
“The most monumental change is the release of fear of my body. I was scared of disease- scared that my body would bring about conditions that would put me in danger. But now I trust my body and myself. I also learned how to put things into action. I have a new relationship with goals… I didn’t have all the details of what I wanted to do with my project, but that desire to invest time and effort into my creativity paid off beyond anything I could imagine at the moment I started. In fact, the effort and desire are still giving back to me. I just got hired for a cool project… didn’t see that coming when I started, nor was it a goal. I’ve also met goals I set… getting into conferences and programs I applied to, etc. And your knowledge of embodiment is really important to any sort of transformative work. It was THE SECRET SAUCE game-changer. It was an honor to work with you. I was pretty intimidated to even ask but I am so glad I did! Looking back to where I was a year ago, it still feels too perfect to be true.”