I’d like the Humor+Action Combo Platter

by | Apr 19, 2020

My shelter-in-place manicure from my niece.

Here’s what to order (glue and salve) when you’re feeling stuck!

This past week, I had chats with two incredible people who shared these powerful bits of very digestible wisdom that I’d like to share with you and explain below:

1) Humor is the glue
2) Action is the salve.

Number 1! Who doesn’t like to laugh? I grew up in a family of goof balls, so I’ll speak for myself, but laughter is one of the best biochemical stress-reducers out there. (Yup, sticking that biochemical word in there to remind you that this is science people!)

During one of my chats, my friend shared how when he’s riled up and super angry at his partner, his partner can cooly stare him in the face and say something funny and right on point.

The humor brings him (and his ego) gently tumbling back down to the ground, with new perspective, and he can’t even try to be angry anymore!

His tidbit of wisdom:

*Humor is the glue.*

It keeps their relationship together.

I wasn’t fighting with a partner this past week, but I did find myself stuck in a serious mental-emotional pretzel mid-week and had to remind myself that a huge part of my nature is laughter and goofiness.

Humor is a pleasure pathway! And a necessary component to keeping your life moving forward.

So my glue (for keeping myself together), was to watch a comedy clip on YouTube, and before too long, I was back in the saddle again.

If you know humor is top priority for you too, make sure it is a regular part of your own pleasure pathway. (If you have any YouTube recs you think I’d like, please send them to me!)

And now, Number 2! Action.

Honestly, I can’t remember exactly who said “Action is the salve.” It was scribbled down in my notes from last week’s phone calls, and come to think of it, it might have been me!?

Most of you know that I’ve been studying and practicing healing work for over 20 years now.

And in the last year and a half, I really started focusing my attention on coaching to help people take action.

You can read an earlier post I wrote on this topic, but for now, what I briefly want to share is that consciously taking action towards something you want is the icing on the cake when it comes to healing and growth.

Action, which often starts with training your mindset, starts to pave new pathways of behavior. It helps you grow in a new direction.

If you get knocked off your horse (we’ll keep the saddle theme going), it won’t help if you sit in therapy for years looking back and talking about how much it sucked to fall off your saddle.

Yes, to letting wounds heal and safe spaces to heal the wounds, 100%.

And then 100% yes again, to taking new action.

Completing a task you set out to do, that is aligned with what you truly want and who you truly are, builds your self-trust and confidence. And furthermore, it deeply reinforces your self-worth.

What results is that you see, love, and accept yourself in a whole new way.

So…I suggest you ask yourself if you’re getting enough laughs or pleasure in your day.

And if some aspect of your life isn’t where you want it to be, what’s the next Action Step you can take towards turning that aspect into something that you truly desire?

The pathway is there. Are you willing to take the steps?

Please feel free to comment in the post below.

And as always, share this with anyone you think it might help. Let’s spread the love. We’ll all heal faster.

What’s coming up??

1) Sign up for Meditate-Move-Heal. The next session happens on Saturday, May 9th. Don’t miss it! Sign up HERE today.

2) One final Free Live Monday Healing Session happening tomorrow, April 20th on Facebook and Instagram Live at 1pm PST/4pm EST. You can access all 5 sessions with my free Meditate-Move-Session HERE.

3) Ready to go big? Apply here to work do my one-on-one Coaching+Healing Program and we can get on the phone to discuss the details!

4) We are working on the relaunch of my self-love course and free workshops soon, I promise!! Stay tuned.

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