Hello from Stockholm ?, where I’m going to be (mostly) parked for the next several weeks.
My Brooklyn apartment has its first Open House this weekend, and by the time I get back to New York, it will likely be on its way to a new owner.
Where to next?
I still don’t know!
And everyday I choose to set my worry and fear aside, quiet my mind, get into the feeling / knowing power of my body, and trust that I am taken care of.
It is a choice.
And I choose to practice it e v e r y s i n g l e d a y.
With unquestionable and unapologetic trust.
Which is not always easy!
But it gets easier e v e r y s i n g l e d a y .
And from this place, I decide and act on what supports me best as I go through this transition (or any transition).
My perfectionist tendencies definitely pop in, right alongside worry and fear. And I give them a hello ? and let them know I’m busy with something else.
One of my best tools is a Dance Break, like this one from yesterday afternoon.???
And then I get messages “out of nowhere” like the one below (Decide. Act) ⬇️ that remind me that yes, this is the right choice and that each action I take is just another step towards knowing.
The universe does indeed have your back. So here’s to softening into that, and then turning that worry and fear into some grounded, powerful decision making and action. ?
With courageous love,
P.S. I just finished GO BIG! Step Into the Life You Desire with an amazing group of GO BIG Life Changers.? This online course will return again next summer.
P.P.S. My online course on Self-Love is returning this fall. We’re getting all the details set up, so stay tuned and let me know if you want a heads up on signing up before registration opens to the public.?
Final P.P.P.S. Please feel free to share this email, and if you haven’t already, make sure to sign up for my newsletter at michelleboule.com to get these little gems ?✨? delivered right to your inbox.
In case you missed this one on Facebook or Instagram…
(Decide.) Act. ✨
While the time of stillness and gestation is important, there comes a time when you have to Act.
Action. “It’s just another step towards knowing.” -Michelle Fletcher
You may not need to know all the steps to get to where you want to go, or even know the exact details of where you’re heading, but the universe responds to your actions of thinking *and* doing.
I had a magical, synchronistic meeting with Michelle Fletcher in Athens, Greece one night while out to dinner alone. I was thinking “Wow, I don’t know anybody in this city right now!” when I heard someone say “Michelle Boulé?”
Michelle Fletcher showed up at my dinner table, and we later talked about her NY apartment move and decisions she instinctively followed that didn’t make “logical sense”—all as simple steps towards knowing. Why not?!
And she eventually ended up in a great new home!
While I’m not quite ready to settle down in my next great new home, I so loved how the universe plopped (gifted) Michelle into my life as a reminder that we may not always know how our life desires will show up, but we can let go of trying to figure it all out first and just take action.
She kept saying “It’s just another step towards knowing.”
Like Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, creator of Body-Mind Centering, says, “Sensing. Feeling. Action.”
Or choreographer Deborah Hay, “Ready. Fire. Aim.”
Wise women ✨?✨
Tap into your desires, take some action, and let the universe do the figuring out of how they show up.