My self-worth breakdown 🥺

by | Apr 13, 2024

My friend was showing me her home remodel a few weeks ago… building a new master suite with a huge tub and closet. Swoon!

(Her daughter was also doing the same thing in her home.)

As I stood looking through all of the bare wall frames imagining her new space, I had an insight…

Did I believe I was worthy of having a beautiful home like this?

It wasn’t about the money or the potential. I didn’t go to a practical place in my mind.

It was about my heart and my self-worth.

(I have to thank a client for helping me with this insight!)

Because when she and I were talking about private coaching and got to pricing, she paused and tears came up…

Not because she didn’t think the money was available.

But in her words, she shared “I don’t know if I’m worth it.”

A huge insight.❤️

When I made my first big leaps in investing in private coaching, I had to believe I was worthy. This was new for me!

I also choose to believe I could do the thing I set out to do, with the support of my new coach.

The journey boosted my confidence deeply, not superficially.

I proved to myself that I could make money… but not only that… that was the “surface” desire. 

The deeper desires that came through were spiritual and personal… 

I learned how to trust myself, believe in abundance, lead a team, make big mistakes, forgive myself (and others), be free of what other people think, release shame, receive more, and…

LOVE and GIVE much bigger.

There’s divinity and intrinsic support in following your deep (maybe even secret) desires.

And when you do it once, you know it’s possible to do it again and again throughout your life.

You have the experience and the tools.

I’ve seen it in myself and have been blessed to witness it in my clients. 

What is your secret desire?
Do you know?
Do you give yourself the possibility to dream big?
And receive support for your big dreams?
Are you willing to look deep within and trust yourself?

This was LIFE CHANGING for me.

And it’s helped me change the lives of many others.🥲🙏✨

I’d be honored to support you in the same way, if you feel called. Check out what’s below…


P.S. Want to move forward with your big dreams today? Here are 4 ways…

 1 – We just had a last minute spot open up for the Extraordinary Artist Retreat! Don’t miss this once in a lifetime experience of soaking up Montana’s (and my 🤩) transformative power. (MT came in #1 for the best state for mental health in a recent study. Just sayin’…) We’ve uploaded an info sheet here. Have a look and apply for this spot!

 2 – Join the Brilliant Creatives Community for training in mindset, movement, and energy healing. This month we also have a Bonus Q&A so you can get support on all your questions… money, career, personal challenges, relationships, etc. Sign up here.

3 – So many FREE things! Check out all my social media, dig through my blog, go on a YouTube binge! Download my free resources.

4 – The deepest dive is in 1:1 coaching. You’re worth it. Take a deep breath, fill out this application, and we’ll talk!

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