How to identify and stop (sneaky) procrastination✨
Even if you don’t think you procrastinate, read on.
Because procrastination is sneaky! It doesn’t always look like “putting things off.”
Sometimes a person can keep themselves “busy” with so many things, but they’re really procrastinating on exactly what’s needed to move their life forward… towards that quiet dream in their heart…
A thriving, creative career.
A deeply loving relationship.
A healthier body.
A beautiful home.
A community of amazing friends.
Procrastination shows up when you find yourself in the same place you were 3 months ago, which turns into 3 years, which can sadly turn into a lifetime.
It’s important to remember that you’re either taking steps everyday towards your dreams or you’re stepping away from them.
There’s no standing still.
So what do you do…?
First, you acknowledge that you are indeed procrastinating!
No shame, no blame.
Then you have to get quiet, find the truth in your heart about what you really want, and ask yourself how badly you want your dream or desire.
Accept that truth.
Sometimes a person realizes that what they’ve been working towards isn’t exactly what they want, but rather some “good idea” their parents, family, or society planted in their head.
But only you know your truth.
And if you’ve been off course…
No shame, no blame!
Now it’s time to own that dream. To command it in your life. To “get into the Spirit of it,” as Thomas Troward wrote.
Remove the excuses. Drop the lies. Set up the appropriate support, lifestyle, bank account, food choices, coach, healer, group… whatever it takes.
And do it from LOVE. Not because you think you’re not enough.
Believe you are enough, right now.
You’ll get much better results.
In service and love,
Want me on your support team? Here are your options!
Monthly Mastery Series – Starts in October
This 3-month intimate group program gives you direct 1:1 work with me 1x per month plus a private 30 minute call in the final month. It can help you master moving towards your dreams in a sustainable way. Size is limited to 6 participants.
Sign up HERE or book a Clarity Call
to see if this is right for you.
Meditate-Move-Heal – Ongoing…join anytime!
This monthly program is a powerful multi-dimensional approach you can take towards creating the life you desire. We now meet 4x every month for the core MMH Session, a Coaching Q&A, and a Bonus Movement and Bonus Meditation Session…all recorded and stored on the Course Page, in case you can’t make it live. If you’re new to my work, it’s a wonderful introduction to the heart of what I do.
Sign up HERE.
1:1 Transformational Coaching+Healing
This is the deepest work I offer for longstanding transformation.
Be ready for meticulous detail, teachings, and guidance to help you move with speed,
ease, and grace towards your fullest potential.
Apply Here.