She avoided a month of torture

by | Feb 18, 2022

atYou have a goal, right? That’s why you read these emails.

You have a passion. You’re amazingly talented. (Yes YOU!)

And…you’re not quite where you want to be. (Ugh.)

But do you know that there’s something running through your incredible mind that’s widening the gap between where you are now and where you want to be?

What is it? It’s a LIE.

And when you learn how to stop it, you can save yourself a month of torture!

Here’s how my client shaved off a month of mental mayhem going for her lifelong dream…

The LIE is always that a person is not worthy of the success they dream of.

The problem is that when a person believes in that lie, they start to create all kinds of complications on their path to manifesting their goals.

It’s such a sneaky lie that runs in the background of your subconscious mind that it’s sometimes hard to spot on your own.

But you know it’s running the show if things are painfully complicated in your life and business.


Unless you learn how to correct this lie, it can take you off track for days, months, or even decades.


It’s crucial to stop the lie now.

I was able to catch the lie in action with this client, and once we uncovered it, she bee-lined towards the next decision she needed to take to manifest her vision.

She got crucial feedback from her actions, and was able to take the next best step after that.

Had we not caught the lie, she would have been back and forth in her mind endlessly for the next month.

Do you know that merry-go-round? It’s not a fun one.

This client grew tremendously through the lessons that showed up in choosing to be courageous, vulnerable, clear, and direct.???

Most importantly, she was honest with herself, and honestly speeds up your process tremendously.

Remember, if you can imagine something, it’s 100% possible. That’s the Law!

It always boils down to the question of “Are you willing to do whatever it takes to bring that vision to life?”

In honor of your dreams, success, and all the beauty that you’re here to bring into the world…

In service and with love,

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you transform YOUR life and business:

1 – Download my free audio practice “Aligned Life Formula”. You’ll have a self-alignment tool to jump start your day and create exactly what you desire in your life and business. Download it here.

2 – Join the powerful community of Creative Success Accelerator! TODAY! In CSA, you’ll learn and embody success tools for your life and business, including how to apply the Universal Laws. Join me for 4 Live monthly meetings, and get access to my Video Library filled with hours of Q&As, teachings, meditations, and movement sessions to support your process. Click here to sign up!

3 – Work with me PRIVATELY to make a quantum leap in your income, while you create more time, joy, and authentic connection in your life. Send us an email with “PRIVATE” in the subject line, and tell me a little about your life and business goals. Then I’ll get you all the details!

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