Silence as your tool for transformation

by | Jan 2, 2021

You’ve crossed the threshold into 2021. Seriously yeehaw!

Here’s a Saturday shorty to share one of my favorite practices…


Create time for silence.


Removing all the distractions and creating space for YOU and your spirit is some of the best medicine you can take.

Even if it’s just for 5 minutes.


Bonus: Add some outdoor nature to the mix or soak in the company of your favorite plant in your city apartment!


But you gotta actually do it.

Set your timer for 5 minutes. Sit or lie down, and breathe.

Taking time NOW to reflect and preplan makes a huge difference in what you bring to life in 2021.

Here’s to your dream and making it happen…


In service and love,

P.S. This year’s Let It Go, Let It Flow workshop was awesome, and I’m leaving a link up for you to purchase the workshop recording until January 5th. Grab it here!


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