If you’ve been following my Instagram, Facebook, webinars, and “What Up Wednesday’s!?” (every Wednesday at 11am EST ) you’ve heard me talk about how to get past those darn voices that keep saying YOU CAN’T.
I’m going deeper here on WHY YOU CAN.
Your subconscious mind’s job is to keep you alive. It does that through pattern recognition, and it doesn’t want you to do anything it doesn’t recognize.
It’s like your high school yearbook that’s full of messages saying “Don’t ever change!”
When you’re about to have a “breakthrough”…
to have more energy, joy, intimacy, money, confidence…
you’re going into a pattern that your subconscious mind doesn’t recognize.
You’re trying to CHANGE… NOW.
Your subconscious responds by desperately holding onto the pattern it knows so “you” start thinking:
Who is this new confident person? Don’t pay attention to her.
You’re fine. You don’t really need to invest in yourself now.
You think you can earn THAT much money!
There’s no way you can have that much bliss with your partner.
And then…
The subconscious mind is super sneaky!
When you bite its bait, you’ll find yourself in the same problem of exhaustion, resentment, not enough money, insecurity, or loneliness one week, one month later, or even worse ten years later.
A person doesn’t fail when they’re going for their dreams. They agree with a reason to stop.
Remember, if you can imagine a dream, it’s 100% possible… when you decide to commit and show up for it.
I’d love to help you tune into the voice that says YOU CAN. If you want my direct support in creating your vision, email me today!
In love and service,
How can you start working with Michelle this very minute?
Join Meditate-Move-Heal RIGHT NOW. You’ll have immediate access to the full library of Coaching Q&As, Movement and Meditation Sessions, and the Core MMH Session. Plus you’ll meet with Michelle LIVE 4x every month
Here’s what happened for Barbara in just 1 month!
“I just joined MMH, and in my first session identified issues re: self confidence, ‘being seen’, and how the level of fear I experience can be debilitating. Michelle did some 1:1 work in the group with me, and also gave more input in the Q&A follow up session. Coincidentally(?!) within days I got an invitation to present at an online summit celebrating World Kindness Day. My initial reaction was deep fear, feeling totally unsafe and ‘not good enough’. I felt like saying ‘no’ to the invitation. But somehow this time I worked through the fear, saw that I really did want to take part, and the following day pre-recorded a 15- minute presentation for the event, a ‘first’ for me. I spoke from the heart with no fear in sight…a feeling of ‘Divine Grace’. I’m delighted to be able to contribute to a cause I’m passionate about, and deeply grateful to Michelle for the work.”
-Dr. Barbara Payman, Psychotherapist, United Kingdom