Use THIS Law to let your goals fly in fast⚡️

by | Jun 18, 2022

Why do we set goals? Because we think the goal we want will make us happier, and most of the time we’re right.

But if you’re spinning your wheels and not manifesting the things you want in the time you want, you’re missing the mark on getting to your happy place.

And… this is totally fixable.

In today’s blog post, you’ll learn about the Law of Vibration. #dumbledore

Yup, vibes are real yo!

This is not a Universal Law I’ve taught much, but I’ve been obsessed with it lately and love seeing how it’s transforming things for my clients and myself…fast!

Most people try to change things from a “low frequency” feeling.

You may not even realize you’re doing this, but you’ll likely hear thoughts like this in your head…

I should be so much further along in my career.
I’m a total loser because I’m still single.
I don’t want to tell anyone how much I’m struggling in my relationship.
I hate how I look in the mirror.
I should have so much more money than this.

NO NO NO! Stop right there beautiful friend.

These are all low frequency thoughts that point to struggle and lack, and they’ll get you nowhere fast.

The Law of Vibration states that everything has a frequency, and you’re constantly sending out frequencies via your thoughts and feelings.


The Universe then sends you back an exact match to what you’re thinking and feeling… right now.


In other words, you’ll attract in the future whatever you’re vibing with now.

If you’re feeling like crap now, you’re going to attract more crap.

If you focus on things that make you happy now, you’ll attract more things that make you even happier.

You don’t need to wait for the thing out there to show up to be happy. In fact, I highly recommend that you don’t do that. (This is where the story of struggle and suffering is so overrated!)

What if you committed to focusing on what’s making you happy now?

the call you had with your friend last night,
the compliment you got from a stranger for wearing something that is so authentically you,
the appreciation you received from a client or student,
the next meal you’ll be eating, or
the fact that your nieces and nephews still fall over laughing when someone farts.

(And maybe you do too, but you’re working on admitting it.)

So here’s what you can do…

✨Take your pic from the list above and make your list even longer.
✨Focus on the happiness of what’s in your life NOW to build momentum.
✨Bonus: Focus on the happiness of what you dare to believe will show up in your life, even if it’s not visible yet.

You’ll start to act and create from this vibration, and you’ll reach your goals with much more ease and alignment.

Because you’re inspired rather than beating yourself up. You’re in faith rather than doubt and disbelief.

What’s your goal right now? I’d love to know!

With Love,

P.S. Let someone else’s example be a guiding light for you!?

I feel extremely lucky to have had the opportunity to work with Michelle and to have had her support in transforming me through some quite intensely emotional times. I’ve created a successful business and now make a monthly income I would not have dreamed of before this. And I’ve been able to share in community and relationship in empowering ways.
                      Joanne Hsieh – Artist and Acupuncturist

P.P.S. Are you ready to say no to all that’s stopping you and instead bring your joy and success to life today? If YES…

1 – Join me Live (4x per month!) in my Creative Success Accelerator Program. You’ll get tools, training, plus an entire course video archive to expand your life and grow your business, including how to use the Universal Laws. Click here to sign up!

2 – Book a Clarity Call if you’d like to discuss options for working together. You’ll be asked to answer a few questions so I know more about you and can direct you best. Book your call HERE.

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