Want more pleasure? Use these 2 steps

by | Apr 3, 2021

People tell me all the time that they want to have more freedom, joy, energy, connection, or money.


All of these are related to pleasure and your ability to receive!


If you’re a high achiever trying to make a lot happen in your life, or someone who’s always taking care of everyone else, YOUR pleasure often takes a back seat.

This is a HUGE problem!

Because all your magnificent potential energy turns into frustration, burnout, short tempers, depression, and resentment.

Not a great starting place for bringing more joy and pleasure into your life…

But let’s not judge this. Instead, as I like to say, “let’s look at this as data” and turn it around so your energy is heading in the right direction.

Here are two very pleasurable steps to change these patterns now…

1 – Are you asking for what you want in life?
Set your timer for 3 minutes and write non-stop on this question. “What do I want?” Get it out onto a piece of paper. Privately. Just you and the paper. No one has to see this. No one’s eyes can judge this. But YOU must be able to see this with 100% honesty so you can take steps to make your vision happen.

2 – Move your body, with pleasure!
Let this one be easy. Set your timer for 3 minutes again and move your beautiful body in a way that feels delicious right now. Use music if that helps. I take my groups and private clients through anywhere from 3-30 minutes of movement, and even when they’re resisting, they always come out more grounded, peaceful, hopeful, and calm.

Let me know in the Comments below how this goes and what comes up when you do these two steps!


Are you still having trouble receiving all the gifts the Universe wants to send your way?


Join me every Wednesday in April for a FREE Live Series on Instagram and Facebook called “The Truth of Joy” at 6pm ET.

I’ll share ways to get to the root of what’s holding you back from receiving more love, success, and joy in your life. Plus, you can ask me your questions and get on the spot coaching if you join Live!!

Make sure you’re following me on Instagram or Facebook.

Right now, add these dates to your calendar!
April 7 at 6pm ET
April 14 at 6pm ET
April 21 at 6pm ET
April 28 at 6pm ET
Need your time zone? Find it HERE.

With love,

What clients are saying…

I’ve gone from feeling scared to share, scared to ask, and scared to own my love of what I do… to feeling more clear and confident than ever about my path. I quit my jobs. I launched my dream business and now have a website, clients, AND I am in love… When I step back and look at what has shifted… my answer would be everything. I was on the fence about money and whether the program would be “worth it,” but I’ve experienced profound change and know 1000000% that doing this work is worth every penny.

-Bryn Hlava, Ayurvedic Advisor & Holistic Healer || Brooklyn, NY

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