A few weeks ago I met an incredible gentleman at a conference because I commented on his fashion.
(He was wearing a great shirt, and I love fashion!)
We immediately had a surprise heart to heart conversation, and a hug that tells you you’ve met someone with a great capacity to feel and love.
At a reception the next evening, we saw each other again and started chatting.
Before long we were standing together at the side of the room, weeping and snotting into our fancy black cocktail napkins.
Tears of pain, joy, connection, recognition, and ultimately love.
Why am I telling you this story?
We’re moved to tears when our soul speaks to us.
Sometimes it’s because we’re finally listening.
Sometimes it’s because we’re so moved by what we hear, see, or resonate with. Sometimes it’s because we’re seeing ourselves through the beautiful window of another.
It’s so incredibly important to listen to those soul callings.
They lead you to your healing, which simply means that you’re becoming whole.
You live in your fullest expansion and potential.
You’re supported and guided in every way that you need.
So, something to reflect on…
When’s the last time you truly opened your heart?
When’s the last time you gave yourself the permission to feel the depths of what your soul desires and wants to express?
Do you surround yourself daily with the people, places, and information that support your soul’s journey?
In honor of your love and beautiful illumination…
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you let go of what isn’t serving you and step into your fullest potential:
1 – Follow me on Instagram and Facebook. You’ll get business and life advice, laughs, love, and entertainment to keep you inspired and aligned every single day. Success requires daily attention! Follow me on Instagram here and Facebook here.
2 – Send me your questions about what you’re struggling with. I may not be able to personally answer all your emails, but I will ready them and can shape my future content to support you!
3 – Join the Creative Success Accelerator Program today. You’ll get mind, body, and spirit tools for success in your life and business. Join me for 4 Live monthly meetings, plus special access to my Video Library filled with hours of Q&As, teachings, meditations, and movement sessions to support your process. Click here to sign up!
4 – Work with me PRIVATELY to make a quantum leap in your joy and income, without sacrificing the quality of your life or working endless hours to make it all happen. Send us an email with “PRIVATE” in the subject line, and tell me a little about your life and business goals. Then I’ll get you all the details, deal?