Your dream comes first

by | Feb 5, 2021

This is hugely important, especially if you have a dream growing in your heart.

People often make the mistake of “waiting until they’re ready.”

They wait until they have enough…


But this will only take you further from your dream… every single day.


Your dream comes first.


It comes before the time, confidence, experience, and money.

It can also create all of the above, but only once you commit to it.

I worked with a choreographer named Deborah Hay who always told us “ready, fire, aim” when we were performing.

Instead of pre-planning the movement, we dancers were being directed to commit and take immediate action… to boldly step into the unknown and create moment by moment.

(There was no choreographed movement in these dances. Everything was “improvised.”)

We learned how to tap into a responsive, surprising, and creative brilliance that came through instant commitment, rather than premeditation.

In fact, premeditating killed the life of these dances.

I’m not advising you to be reckless. We rehearsed a lot to be able to do this work!


However, the “magic” only happened in the decision to take action… not by waiting for the magic to show up first.


Waiting usually comes from a desire to be “safe.” And it often turns into procrastination.

Your dream will ask you to grow and step out of your comfort zone.

Your dream is also aligned with the highest version of yourself.

It will bring out the best in you… in your career, relationships, and health.

You step into a completely different level of awareness, and start to see and make decisions as the person you’re wanting to become rather than the person you are now.

You’ll see the opportunities that will move you forward.

In fact, you’ll start to meet a side of yourself that has been waiting to come out!

But you have to commit first.

Do you want my in-depth help for creating your magic? Apply for 1:1 coaching here!

In service and love,

P.S. Creative Success Accelerator starts a new cycle today! Join the new energy of this month and sign up TODAY!

What clients are saying…

I decided to do a 3-month program with Michelle, to prepare myself for leaving my job and doing my artist-healer work full time. It felt like a lot of money, but as soon as I committed to support myself in this way I received a commission for the same amount! I knew Michelle’s expertise and study in this area would be of assistance, and it was. She is masterful in recognizing the blocks (emotional, energetic, practical) that we put between ourself and our goals and establishing a clear and grounded plan for the work to make your dream a reality. As I approach my days now, having made the transition to full-time self-employment, I regularly use the tools I gained to prioritize my action steps, observe my reactions, and work clearly with the energetics of money.”
Leah Meridoc Nguyen, Artist Healer

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  1. Lisa Olivia

    This was incredibly powerful, thank you! Something about it literally has my racing right now. I’ll dive into that and see what’s there! It could just be the excitement I feel right now about the possibility of taking the “ready, aim, fire!” approach in my own life. My target can be clear, and the focus feels spot-on, yet I might end up missing the mark. Something just resonated for me, here. I will get the excitement that comes with the attempt, and will either learn something (if I miss the mark) or have something bigger to celebrate (alone or with others, possibly). If, however, I back away and don’t even make the attempt, I will be shrinking away, moving me farther from my mark or goal — that feels very familiar. Excited to move in the other direction, the forward one, in adopting this new mindset of eye on the target, aka goal. :D.

    • Michelle Boule

      Awesome Lisa. Yes, it’s about consistently moving in the direction you desire. 🙂


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