Go Big!
Step Into the Life You Desire
4-week online course starts July 23
Register Now
GO BIG! Step Into the Life You Desire

Can we get really honest for a second…?
- Does your life really look the way you want it to?
- Are you surrounded by relationships that you genuinely cherish?
- Is your career truly fulfilling you?
- Are you in love with your body?
If you answered “NO” to even one of these questions, then you have work to do – starting NOW.
This is a good thing!

It’s time to get honest about your life and what you deeply want.
I’m talking about telling yourself the REAL TRUTH this very moment.
You have the opportunity NOW to take responsibility and fully commit 100% to change (and real lasting transformation).
The amazing truth is…
There is energy inside of YOU that wants to move, wants to be focused, and wants to be expressed. It is just waiting for you to let it move.
And when that happens, you transform your relationships, career, money flow, and body. So now, RIGHT now is the time!
Nothing changes if you keep making the same decisions.
Trust me… I know!
Last year, I found myself burnt out… yet again. My nervous system was maxed out, I had another painful relationship breakup, and on top of all of that I was overworked, underpaid, and exhausted. My mind and body were stuck in a nonstop pattern of go, go, go, do, do, do, and on some level, I knew this “fast-paced” lifestyle was making me sick and keeping me from what I truly wanted. I loved certain things about my life… don’t get me wrong… but I knew there were some big holes… and some truths that I was deeply afraid and ashamed to face.
See, my life was “good,” but I wanted it to be great. And, when I took a microscope to my own life, I saw that I wasn’t fully valuing myself and my gifts. I was placing way too much emphasis on what other people thought about me. I was dragging my own energy down by keeping myself small in relationships (aka lying to myself and therefore others about what I truly wanted). I could feel myself shrinking and being stuck in this cycle that was draining AND painful.
So, I had to take a step back and really reflect. Do I continue on this cycle… or do I STOP and reset?
And, I hit the reset button in a BIG way.
After lots of tears and frustration, I had to break through the fear, shame, and guilt and get really honest about my own life, my own truths, and my own habits.
I booked a life-changing trip to Bali and the Philippines, and committed myself to “CHANGE”. I decided to STOP playing small. I committed myself 100% to fully learning, loving, and getting honest with myself. So, I stepped completely out of my comfort zone (remember I wasn’t in this to play small), and I made 2019 the year of Going BIG. I was going to step into all that I am, and nurture myself to open up, even more, to reach my full potential in all regards.
I’ve stuck to it, and now my nervous system has repaired itself, and I’ve undergone significant upgrades in my business, relationships, mindset, body, and living situation. Changes that would not have been possible had I kept making the same decisions. And every single day I step passionately into the life I want and love.
And, now it’s your turn…

GO BIG! Step Into the Life You Desire
In this interactive and life-changing 4-week course, your GO BIG! Guide, Michelle will coach you towards:
Greater confidence
Joy-filled relationships (starting with the one with yourself!)
A robust love life
More money flowing through your business
Clarity and Action Steps towards your Deepest Desires!

How does this all happen?
Michelle uses:
Energy medicine tools to re-balance your entire system
Direct, to-the-point coaching to help you connect to YOUR Truth
Movement practices to teach you how to really MOVE
Hot seat sessions to shift your thinking to achieve incredible breakthroughs
All 4 sessions are LIVE each week
July 23, July 30, August 6, August 13
Nothing is pre-recorded, giving you instant and direct access to Michelle each week. And, you’ll be invited to join 2 online Q&A sessions (July 27 11:00 am EST and August 9 3:00 pm EST) to get your questions answered.
Week 1
July 23 6:30PM EST
Gain clarity
Getting hyper-focused on what you want.
Week 2
July 30 6:30PM EST
Conquer your fear and resistance
Breaking down the barriers.
Week 3
August 6 6:30PM EST
Stay the course
Embodied practices for lasting inspiration and diving deeper.
Week 4
August 13 6:30PM EST
Put it into action
Step into the life you desire.
Each live session is recorded.
So if you can’t make the live calls, no worries! They will be available for you to watch within 24 hours so you can make life-changing shifts.
We’ll give you even more support by adding you to our private Facebook group to connect with other GO BIG! Participants and Life Changers.
You’ll get bonus videos and audios covering meditation techniques and Michelle’s favorite movement practices.
PLUS you’ll receive recordings covering in-depth explanations of energy medicine concepts and techniques used in the course.
Your GO BIG! Guide
Hi, my name is Michelle Boulé.
I’ve studied movement and energy for over 30 years and I’ve mastered a method to take a metaphorical microscope into looking at how you create your own reality.
Using the teachings I’ve applied in my own life and my decades-long practice as an energy medicine practitioner, coach, dancer, and artist, over the next 4 weeks we will unlock your secret to creating lasting and BIG change in your life.
In GO BIG!, I share life-shifting tools, live hot seat coaching to guide you through your blocks, AND specific techniques to step into your strengths.

More specifically, we’ll work together to discover:
The exact shifts you need to create BIG change in your life.
What your highest self is truly calling you to do.
How to receive all that the Universe is so ready to give to you!
Due to the intimate, personalized nature of this course, I can’t promise that I’ll offer this again anytime soon…
So, if you’re ready to claim the life you’ve always wanted,
the time is NOW.
You can have that dream job.
You can have that relationship that fulfills you.
You can have confidence, trust, and a body you love.
You can have your life finally fall into place.
Click the “Register” button now to reserve your spot.
Your Life Shift Is Waiting… Are you?
Your desired life is the closest it has ever been. Don’t let the cost deter you! Payment plans are available, email info@mbodyradiance.com. Let’s see what we can make possible.
Regular Option
Regular Option
VIP Option
includes 2 hour long one-on-one sessions with Michelle
VIP Option
Your desired life is the closest it has ever been. Don’t let the cost deter you! Payment plans are available, email info@michelleboule.com. Let’s see what we can make possible.
Copyright © 2016 – 2019 Michelle Boulé
Get in touch: info@michelleboule.com