I want to remind you…
You’re brilliant. You were born to succeed.
These are facts!
But maybe you can relate to feeling the opposite way…
Just this past month, I realized that I was still blind to my own brilliance.
I went to a live event with one of my Mastermind groups and saw that a part of me was still focusing on everything I hadn’t done yet.
I wasn’t celebrating all the work I had done, and more importantly and simply, I wasn’t celebrating who I am.
(Note: Make sure you have a Mastermind for 2022 and reply to this email if you want to be in one of my groups!)
Some part of me still thought my success was only “worthy” (that I was only “worthy”) of celebrating when I had accomplished EVERYTHING I wanted to.
Yowsah! Y’all, this means the celebrating would never begin because there’s always more that a person can do!
I was so grateful to experience this mismatch on a whole new level. I mean I teach this stuff!
But the old patterns will slip in because they’re that strong.
It’s only through an ongoing commitment to learning and growth that you’ll realize where those destructive patterns are and how they’re holding you back from your dreams.
So let’s turn this around BIG TIME with some awareness, celebration, and LOVE!
Because contrary to what your hard-working (self-deprecating) self might think, self-celebration is one of the seeds of your greatest happiness and success.
Today, I’m sharing 10 signs that you’re blind to your brilliance and ways to step into 2022 shining big and bright!
But before you read on, make sure you’re following me on social media (Instagram or Facebook) where I’ll be guiding you through a 7-day challenge to celebrate your brilliance in the New Year.
1 – Check my feed everyday by 9am EST and share your response to the daily prompt. Starting today! (Add a reminder alarm to your calendar for 7 days!)
2 – Tag a friend each day to join you. Because community is rrreal!!!! We grow faster when we’re surrounded by like-minded and hearted people. Building your community is a great 2022 goal. (And like I said above, if you want to join one of my groups, reply to this email and let’s talk!)
3 – Share one of my posts or stories to spread the love, and your brilliance! Don’t be shy. ?
Now that you’re following me on social and know your 2022 Action Step, check out the 10 signs that you’re blind to your brilliance…
1. You don’t ask for help. The desire to “do it all yourself” can hide the fact that you don’t think you’re worthy of support. Love on yourself and get the help you want!
2. You’re not taking time to celebrate yourself. Make sure you join me on social media this whole next week to practice turning this one around and celebrating your life, so you create even more to celebrate.
3. You’re still underpaid. Your brilliance is reflected in your bank account. Does it feel abundant? Does your money flow? Do you ask for what you’re worth in your business?
4. You’re overworked. Your energy reserves are also like a bank account. Do you feel abundant and supported energetically? Remember, you don’t have to do it all. In fact, sometimes that reinforces the fact that you’re not good enough. Have you set up boundaries in your work and in personal life where you delegate instead of just doing everything yourself?
5. Your friends, therapist, or coach tells you you’re amazing more than you tell yourself. Start by looking in the mirror today and telling yourself “I’m not perfect, but I am 1000% fantastic.” Repeat this all day long for a month!!!
6. You think you always need to do more. When you’re comfortable in your brilliance, you know when you’ve done your best and when you need to do more. You can accept this and move forward. You also know when a sabotage pattern is trying to tell you to do more because “you’re not enough.”
7. You’re procrastinating on the one thing that will move your dream forward. What better way to keep yourself from shining. Really think about that one and then take action on the thing that you know you need to do to move your goals and dreams forward today!
8. There’s an area of your life that’s been stuck for too long (project, career, relationships). Every area of your life that isn’t where you want it to be reflects where you’re tolerating less than what you truly desire. To turn that around, look at the excuses you’re telling yourself about not changing, figure out what’s really true or false in those excuses, and start taking action on changing one thing at a time. This is a priceless self-worth booster that I walk all my private clients through!
9. 2021 was not much different than 2020. Change is life, and if you’re not growing, you’re dying. What’s one single thing you can change in 2022? Make a plan and blind us with your brilliance!
10. Your relationships are suffering. When you know your worth, you start to hold your relationships to a new standard. That means YOU first show up as the highest version of yourself. As you do that, your relationships will uplevel too or move on.
Whew! Is there one sign in there that you resonate with most? You might want to print this one out and take a look at it throughout the year.
Finally, if you want my direct help, send us an email ASAP and we can start a conversation!
It’s an honor to support you shining your light and making the world a better place for it.
Here’s to your brightest year yet!!
With love,