Here’s how to get more time (and zen kitty) every day

by | Aug 7, 2021

If you find yourself crying “where did the time go?!” you gotta read this message.

Let’s start with a great quote…


“In the absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it”
-Robert Heinlein


Gah! Robert, you’re killing me!

Actually, he’s helping you get your life back.

If you have a big goal you want to bring to life, you must learn how to master setting up your days to achieve your goals.

And, this is more important…

I want to make sure you don’t hear that as a disguised call to more suffering, aka “now I have to wake up at 4:30 everyday, run 20 miles, eat only raw vegan smoothies, meditate for 2 hours, and never think a negative thought!”

Ha! First, that last thing is totally impossible. (I’ll talk about that another time.)

Second, this is about LOVING YOURSELF EVEN MORE, not subscribing to the lie that you’re not enough.

Check out that loving zen kitty balance!

I was invited by lovely.impact to talk about morning routines, and the practices I’m sharing today are small steps that can change your life and build your business success in huge ways.


Remember, if you’re not deciding what your day looks like, someone else is!


One of the best ways to set up your days for success is to master your morning.

Read on, and check out the final tip below.

“My morning routine starts the night before. I review what I need to take care of the next day and make sure it’s all scheduled in my online calendar. This includes time for copywriting, social posts, client calls, sales calls, admin, exercise, and eating!

I keep my phone out of the bedroom and don’t look at it in the morning until after I’ve done some key things: meditation, movement/yoga, and some study or journaling. I use the Insight Timer app to do each of these activities for 10-20 minutes, but I don’t check my messages or social media!

No cell time helps me protect that precious mental clarity and openness that I have first thing in the morning, which is crucial for staying focused on my larger goals and dreams. If I go to my phone first, everyone else’s thoughts and agendas come pouring in, and I start the day distracted!

As a coach, you’re taking care of a lot of other people’s priorities, but ultimately, you must learn to be the person in charge of your life and business first, so you can show up and serve in the best way.”*

TIP: Take one of these steps and implement it fully. Change is not about an instant, total revamp.

In fact your body can’t handle that much change at one time! It’s too shocking.

So take it one step at a time. As you gain confidence in one step, notice what changes.

Good habits have a ripple effect. They add up, and before you know it, you’re on a completely new path that keeps you aligned with your success and happiness.

In service and love,

*reprinted from lovely.impact – “9 Successful Coaches Share Their Morning Routines”


P.S. Do you know about Meditate-Move-Heal? So many of my successful clients used MMH to build a solid foundation and learn more about the principles of success before investing in my other group courses, retreats, or private coaching.

Meditate-Move-Heal is low-risk, low-investment and…

Our next Core Session happens TODAY, so it’s the perfect time to join and get your mind, body, and spirit delightfully aligned with reaching your beautiful goals!

——–> Don’t wait. Sign up here!


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